The 21st Century Mock Test service

So why take a mock driving test?

Well no-one has to, you could give it a miss and go straight into the actual test, on the day, with the DVSA examiner and just "give it a go" at a cost of around £62.00p or more if you are using your instructor's car

... or, you could find yourself an experienced, trained and qualified mock test instructor/examiner to give you an objective report on your driving under test conditions at the price of a normal 90 minute driving lesson

Taking a mock driving test has many benefits. It is of course significantly cheaper if you have failed a mock driving test and not the real one. Failing the real DVSA test involves more test booking fees, often further driving lessons and there is also the driving test waiting times to take into account

So, don't leave it to chance and "wing it". Try our comprehensive mock test and give yourself a better insight into the testing process

To book you will need to call us on 07736 389636

Mock test Qualifications