Essential Routines

Your driving needs to be based on simple effective routines. Routines that our minds 'drop' into to help us prepare and plan our driving as we make progress in our day to day journeys, sometimes called 'good driving habits' or 'schema' as they are formally known

That is not to say that we do away with conscious thought, but as in other parts of our lives, we use routines to start different elements of our day to day tasks at work, and in our private lives. These can include leaving home for work, or getting the kids ready for school and many others. In all of these, we develop (over time) routines that help us deal with, and execute these common tasks

Driving is no different, with the exception the consequences of a missed or misplaced element of the routine. halfway to school without a lunchbox can be corrected, but a missed mirror or blindspot check can have much more serious results

The following routines are fundamental, and once understood (not just obeyed), will better prepare your for your driving test. Examiners know what you should be doing and why, they are road safety professionals, as is your instructor

Until you have mastered the content and use of these routines, you will be a liability to yourself and others, and although you may be able to 'get through' a driving test (however unlikely that may be), your training will be incomplete, and your driving will always be below what it could be

That is something you would not be satisfied with in the rest of your of your life goals is it?